Advisers building better, stronger

At BW Business Accountants & Advisers we’re passionate about helping small business owners to take the heat out of their finances. After all, you didn’t start your own business to spend your weekends filling out paperwork, stressing over tax deadlines and worrying about your cashflow!

That’s what we’re here for. We’ll take time to listen to your needs and provide you with a tailored service to keep you and your business compliant, as well as providing you with the tools you need to get where you want to be tomorrow.

Whether you want to outsource your finance function to us, need a little bit of support with growth planning or need some guidance and training on automating your procedures, you can rest assured that we will go the extra mile to support you.

BW + Xero = growth

Save time and brain space for other things by using Xero. A great value, cloud-based accounting software that’s straightforward to use. Xero helps keep track of income and expenditure, automates invoicing and reporting and allows us to collaborate with you easily.


We are a Xero silver partner, so we can assist you with getting set up or transitioning to Xero, as well as provide continued support.


Please note we are a Xero-only practice and therefore you will need to be currently using Xero, or open to getting set up on Xero, to be able to work with us.