Many people find it hard to return to work after the long Christmas and New Year slowdown. It may take longer than normal for some people to return to their usual productivity levels – but why stop at “usual”? Why not aim higher?
To help you do just that, here are 4 productivity tips to elevate your productivity as you dive back into work.
1. Know your focus
Visualise the changes you want as you step back into work. Identify tasks that aren’t essential and redirect your efforts to high-value tasks.
By setting clear intentions you can start the year right, you will be clear going into your first day and you’ll be far more likely to achieve what you want.
2. Note the habits you’ll need to change
Determine daily steps to modify or create habits that enhance productivity. Do you need to break bad habits that waste time and create new ones or do you just need to adapt them? We suggest linking new habits to existing routines, for example; integrating ten minutes of LinkedIn engagement into your morning coffee-and-computer ritual.
3. Prioritise wisely
When getting back into work, prioritise the tasks that are the most beneficial to you. Use this initial period to plan ahead, tackling important tasks that often get pushed further down your to-do list. Plan your work for the next few months and start getting ahead.
You can even use this time to build those all-important relationships with your network. Strengthen connections by reaching out to valued clients and set the stage for a proactive start.
4. Don’t forget to look after yourself
Yes, this is a productivity tip. The worst thing you can do is return to work and slot right back into the busyness, leaving all those benefits that come with having a break behind. All that will do is result in you getting overwhelmed and potentially burning out after a few weeks or months. Instead, you should use this time to implement some self-care elements into your routine which you can carry on throughout the year.
Find out what works for you. Whether it’s gratitude exercises or post-work walks, establish habits that sustain a healthy work-life balance. What you’ll find is that you’ll keep that holiday feeling for as long as possible and you’ll transition into a much healthier way of working where you’re far more productive.
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