April Client Spotlight: Bristol Health & Safety

This month we had the pleasure of speaking with Russell Haffner from Bristol Health & Safety, who provide services to suit all of your health and safety concerns. Keep reading to find out more about the business, and why they choose us for their accounting needs.


What do you do?


We are fully accredited Health and Safety Consultants.

We specialise in providing legally compliant Fire Risk Assessments for all business premises, Writing H&S policies for companies with more than five members of staff, and contractor accreditation such as Chas and SafeContractor.  In addition, we produce Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) for all tasks such as manual handling in the office environment to more complex tasks such as pouring concrete on a large building site.   


What are your key values?


There are two key elements to Health and Safety. 

Firstly there is the legal/legislative element that insists companies carry out certain assessments, such as Fire Risk Assessments in order to stay compliant.

Equally importantly there is the moral aspect whereby a business owner should be carrying out these assessments in order to keep their staff safe.

As a business, Bristol Health and Safety likes to work with customers who understand these two elements, and then between us we can take a sensible, reasonably practicable approach to what is required.


What are your plans for the business over the next twelve months?


Over the next twelve months, Bristol Health and Safety are hoping to continue our current steady growth with a view to taking on more staff by the end of the year.


Why did you choose BW?


When choosing a company to work with it often comes down to personality match and whether I feel valued as a customer.  When first discussing my needs with Natalie I felt she not only understood my situation but was able to act efficiently and decisively to alleviate any fears I may have.  In addition, BW are always quick to respond to any questions I have no matter how simple or complex.


What value do you think we bring to your business?


BW give me the confidence to know that my questions are acted upon quickly and decisively.  They offer advice and information on budgetary matters and are always ahead of the curve when it comes to sending out reminders for things like HMRC Tax bills.